EPPP Prep: Memory Boosting Learning Strategies – 3CE Credit

TBA, In-person Address available soon, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

With a plethora of study materials available to prepare for the EPPP, one would think that if an individual dedicates sufficient time, the exam should be a breeze. So why is it such a challenge? Simply put, it’s a lot of information and Provisional Psychologists have busy lives. Most individuals should expect to spend approximately 250 hours studying. In addition to utilizing the various commercial exam preparation materials, there are countless study strategies that boost an individual’s retention and mastery of information.

This workshop is designed to go beyond the study materials, reviewing and practicing techniques to maximize retention of key concepts using evidence-based strategies. Workshop participants will expand their repertoire of learning tactics, gaining insight into the importance of matching strategy to content format, as well as the value of utilizing humour and creativity to boost memory.

Get Tickets $225.00 20 tickets left

Working with Suicidal Clients: Assessment and Intervention – 6 CE Credits

TBA, In-person Address available soon, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Working with suicidal clients is cited as the most stressful activity for psychologists. Even for seasoned clinicians, we find ourselves pressed for time, lacking confidence, and fearful of liability. And, in the last 10 years, suicide prevention has changed dramatically; what we thought helped (i.e., structured assessments, hospitalizations) may actually hurt and does not follow our ethical responsibilities to maximize benefits and minimize harms. This workshop is designed to support clinicians effectively working with suicidal clients, including (a) understanding your attitudes towards suicide, (b) learning about advances in suicide prevention research, and (c) developing and practicing skills to incorporate into your practice.

Get Tickets $450.00 23 tickets left

Sport Performance: It’s not (only) what you think – 6CE Credit

TBA, In-person Address available soon, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Personality. How often have you heard someone say: “It's just the way I am/She/He is/They are.”? What do you find first comes to mind for you? A word used but often misunderstood and even misapplied at times. A model for the New Big Five is used to zoom in on personality, and four of the five major sections are unpacked. This workshop is designed to unpack, educate, reorganize, and vitalize the perception of how to work with your clients.

Get Tickets $450.00 25 tickets left