Liability Insurance Renewal

Dear Members,

In early May, you will receive the 2021-2022 CPA/CPAP Liability Insurance Program renewal from the program’s broker, BMS. You will see that Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) premium has increased this year. This increase is a direct reflection of increased claims, where millions of dollars of claims costs have been paid under the psychology program to defend and protect insured members.

The premium charged this year is substantiated by actuarial analysis and has been negotiated to keep the increase to the lowest amount acceptable to the Insurer to renew the policy.

Read the Full CAP and CPAP Statement here

Read the coverage details here

BMS offers exclusive professional liability insurance for members of PAA. This CPAP/CPA BMS program brings a new member-centric perspective to the design and delivery of the psychology insurance program, including significant immediate and long-term benefits to policyholders, and access to pro bono legal services from one of the most highly recognized legal defense firms in medical defense and professional liability in Canada.

This free, confidential legal advice is designed to help avoid or reduce the probability of a claim or complaint and is available to participating members should you have questions related to an actual or potential professional liability claim.

 For Claims, Scenarios click here. For more information on Professional Liability, or how to deal with claims, click here

Phone: 1-855-318-6038, or Email: