About PAA

The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta (PAA) is the voice of, and for, psychology in Alberta. We are the voluntary body that advocates for psychology in Alberta, informs the public and the media, and advocates for consumers of psychotherapy, psychological, and mental health services.

The Mission of the PAA is to advance the science-based profession of psychology and to promote the well-being and potential of all Albertans.

The Vision of the PAA is that the organization and its members are recognized leaders in enhancing the psychological health of all Albertans.

We provide professional development and networking opportunities for our members, have an active communications strategy, and operate a province-wide referral service. We support many initiatives that seek to enhance psychological health and wellness in our province.

Since 1996, PAA has been the primary professional association for Albertan psychologists. We are a separate organization from the College of Alberta Psychologists [CAP]. CAP is the regulatory body for the profession in the province.

Position Statements

“All Albertans regardless of income should have access to psychological services.”

“All Albertans regardless of income should have access to psychological services.”

“The services of psychologists for the assessment & treatment of mental health problems & disorders of Albertans should be covered by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan.”

“The services of psychologists for the assessment & treatment of mental health problems & disorders of Albertans should be covered by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan.”

“Mental and behavioural health publicly funded services must reach parity with funding for physical health and publicly funded services based on the burden of disease .”

“Mental and behavioural health publicly funded services must reach parity with funding for physical health and publicly funded services based on the burden of disease .”

“All Alberta students should have timely access to meaningful and effective School Psychology services.”

“All Alberta students should have timely access to meaningful and effective School Psychology services.” 

“Discrimination harms, diversity strengthens, diversity increases tolerance and psychological health and is the model of a caring society.”

“Discrimination harms, diversity strengthens, diversity increases tolerance and psychological health and is the model of a caring society.”

“Mental health counsellors and psychotherapists should be recognized by their professional title- Use of the generic title “Mental Health Therapist” is a disservice to Albertans.”

“Mental health counsellors and psychotherapists should be recognized by their professional title- Use of the generic title “Mental Health Therapist” is a disservice to Albertans.”

“Albertans have a right to work in a psychologically healthy workplace.”

“Albertans have a right to work in a psychologically healthy workplace.”

“Mental health counselling and psychotherapy should only be provided by regulated health professionals with at least a master’s degree in psychology, counselling, psychotherapy, social work (in clinical practice), or by a psychiatrist.”

“Mental health counselling and psychotherapy should only be provided by regulated health professionals with at least a master’s degree in psychology, counselling, psychotherapy, social work (in clinical practice), or by a psychiatrist.”

2020 - 2025 Strategic Plan


Advocate for psychology’s unique value. 


Promote the psychological health of all Albertans.  


Enhance the development of psychologists across the career lifespan.  


Focus on PAA’s membership value.  

Ensure financial sustainability.

PAA's Mandate

Our mission is to unite all members and the public in the spirit of truth and reconciliation, embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion and upholding the dignity of every individual.