
Disaster Reponse Network

Not currently active

Our thoughts are with all Albertans impacted by the wildfires in Alberta and the recent evacuation in multiple locations. The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta would like to help evacuees who have been displaced due to fires.

Our Disaster Response Network members are offering three (3) pro-bono psychological services to victims and first responders traumatized by recent events. 

To access this service, please contact our office by giving us a call at 780-424-0294 or sending us an email at 

Previous Activation of the DRN

Event: Trauma in relation to the Indigenous Residential Schools mass grave findings

Location: Alberta-wide

Description: The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta DRN volunteers offer crisis intervention for individuals impacted and traumatized by the genocidal legacy of Indian Residential Schools (and Indian Day Schools). Disaster Response Network members are offering pro-bono psychological services with priority for health care providers and first responders traumatized by recent events. This is not a crisis line or a referral service but pro-bono support by volunteer psychologists of 1-3 sessions for those in need.

Event: COVID-19 Pandemic Onset 

Location: Alberta-wide

Description: Albertans are resilient people, and we will remain strong during this shared pandemic. The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta would like to help those Albertans who are experiencing distress due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our Disaster Response Network members are offering pro-bono psychological services with priority for health care providers and first responders traumatized by recent events. This is not a crisis line or a referral service but pro-bono support by volunteer psychologists of 1-3 sessions for those in need.

Event: Wood Buffalo Region Wildfires

Location: Wood Buffalo Region (including Anzac, Conklin, Draper, Fort Chipewyan, Fort Fitzgerald, Fort McKay, Fort McMurray, Gregoire Lake Estates, Janvier, Saprae Creek Estates)

Description: Our thoughts are with all Albertans impacted by the wildfires in Alberta and the recent evacuation in the Fort McMurray region. The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta would like to help evacuees who have been displaced due to fires in Fort McMurray. Our Disaster Response Network members are offering pro-bono psychological services to victims and first responders traumatized by recent events. 

PAA Membership

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Disaster Response Network

The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta Disaster Response Network (PAA DRN) targets the psychological well being/mental health needs of disaster victims and responders who are involved in disasters with focus on serving those who have suffered trauma as a result of a disaster.      

Victims of disasters and responders can access this service by contacting the PAA office.  The office will record the callers information and provide it to a psychologist on the PAA DRN list. Clients should expect to hear from a psychologist within 2 business days.  PAA will not share any client information.

If you are a registered psychologist (provisional included) and PAA member and would like to volunteer on the DRN: complete the application form (download here) and submit to paa@paa-ab.caThe PAA DRN provides psychological/mental health services primarily during the recovery phase of the disaster, and psychologists will not generally be called upon to attend at the site of the disaster.  

Disclaimer: The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta assumes no liability for any of the psychological services provided, nor does the PAA warrant or guarantee the availability of any particular psychological services, or their quality.  Participants are required to carry their own liability insurance.