CAPDA Webinar: Update on Dissociative Disorders in Forensic Contexts
January 10, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
Few forensic examiners have received systematic training in assessing dissociation and dissociative disorders, despite prevalence rates of 4% in the general population. Furthermore, even fewer forensic examiners have learned methods for discussing dissociation and dissociative disorders in forensic reports and testimony. As a result, dissociative disorders are often overlooked or misdiagnosed, potentially contributing to inadequate understanding of individuals in forensic contexts and expert opinions that do not adequately or accurately portray dissociative individuals. Ultimately, the lack of awareness and knowledge about dissociative disorders may contribute to a miscarriage of justice. Dr. Bethany Brand will provide an update about dissociative disorders including an overview of their prevalence, symptoms, assessment, and potential impact on psychological functioning. She will review methods for assessing trauma-related dissociation including self-reported experiences, behavioral observations, screening questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews. Dr. Brand will also discuss how to present information about dissociation and dissociative disorders to attorneys and courts. Dr. Brand will provide an overview of cutting-edge methods for distinguishing genuine dissociative disorders from simulated dissociative disorders.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the prevalence of pathological dissociation in the general population
- Describe three types of dissociative symptoms
- Identify three validated measures to aid in the assessment of dissociation
- Discuss how to differentiate simulated from genuine dissociative disorders
About The Presenter
Bethany Brand, Ph.D., is an Emerit Professor at Towson University and has over 30 years of experience in assessing, treating, and researching trauma disorders. She has published 135 professional papers related to trauma and dissociation. She is the author of The Concise Guide to the Assessment and Treatment of Trauma-Related Dissociation, and a co-author of Finding Solid Ground: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Treatment and The Finding Solid Ground Workbook. Dr. Brand specializes in the assessment and treatment of complex trauma patients including those with dissociative disorders. She serves as a forensic expert in state and federal cases.
Registration Fees
Non-Member – $200
Students $50