Campaign for Syrian & Iraqi Refugees 

We want to take this opportunity to make you aware of a campaign underway that provides an opportunity for us as psychologists to demonstrate our Responsibility to Society within the worldwide humanitarian crisis specific to Syrian Refugees.


Make a difference for the Syrian & Iraqi Refugees

We are one family in this global village & trauma collectively impacts us all. We are issuing a challenge — join us in ensuring that Syrian & Iraqi refugee families have a home here in Canada. Together, we can change their circumstances in the midst of this global crisis.

A small financial donation from each of us can make a large difference in the lives of these families.

If 290 people donate $100/each, a family is home!

Your tax deductible donations can be submitted as follows: 


Donate via the Canada Helps website.

In the comment box specify Syrian and Iraqi Refugee Support, “Give them a Home Challenge”


Canadian International Immigrant and Refugee Support Association

C/O Syrian and Iraqi Refugee Support, Give them a Home Challenge

10584 107 street Edmonton, Alberta T5H 2Y6

If you issue your donation in the name of the “Give Them a Home Challenge” we will be able to directly see the impact of psychologists in our province and then can challenge other professions and groups, for example nursing or social work, to join us.

Together, we can Give ‘Em a Home, eh!

Dr Jon Amundson & Dr Deb Dobson