Victims of the Plane Crash in Iran

Our thoughts are with all those impacted by the plane that crashed in Iran. We are all saddened by this senseless tragedy. Albertans are grieving and we grieve with them.

Under Construction: Welcome to the new site!

Welcome to the new PAA website!  UNDER CONSTRUCTION: the most important pieces of the website are still being perfected. Check back later for classifieds, referral search, workshops, and the member […]

Campaign for Syrian & Iraqi Refugees 

We want to take this opportunity to make you aware of a campaign underway that provides an opportunity for us as psychologists to demonstrate our Responsibility to Society within the […]

2017 Annual General Meeting

The PAA Annual General Meeting was held on 26 May 2017 in Edmonton, Alberta. Highlights from the 2016-2017 Annual Report were presented. PAA 2016-2017 Annual Report