Performance can be conceptualized as a demand, a goal, a dream, a wish, etc. Working in the field of human performance, we all work with others who are striving for a higher-performing self. In the context of this workshop, a focus on sport and performing arts will help define our attention, although I am sure concepts learned here apply well elsewhere also. You can expect to acquire a theoretical understanding of goal-setting thinking, underpinned by achievement goal theory, and participate actively in discussions and experiential activities, while inviting reflection from past participants via vignettes. Workshop participant engagement is key to maximizing learning outcomes and objectives. This day-long workshop is designed to reinforce influences you currently use and simultaneously deepen your perception of performance.
This day-long workshop is intended for psychology professionals who currently work with clients from an athletic community, whose clients present a complex network of challenges in the performance realm, and whose clients acknowledge an understanding of pressure related to their goals and the outcomes achieved. This content is not unique to sport performance only. While the target population are those working with sport and performance individuals, academic achievements are comparable. The key descriptor is that this is a sport psychology perspective. At the same time, we are all achievement driven.
I have been on a Ph.D. journey for a few years, specializing in clinical and research psychology with Walden University, before taking my ideas and interests to the University of Queensland. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in sport psychology in the human movement and nutrition sciences department. I have proudly been a mental performance consultant, privately practicing in Alberta since 2012. Private practice has allowed me to work with diverse individual populations (elite and developing athletes, executives, coaches, and teams). Career diversity has allowed me to teach at the post-secondary level, be a member of Canada Games integrated support teams in 2013 and 2017, and design and deliver psychological services and professional development in many subject areas. I am also a Chartered Professional Coach with the Coaches of Canada. Through my swim coaching swimming, I became intensely aware and interested in the nuances of motivation. These opportunities heightened my awareness of the demands of many professions, people, and processes involved in staying healthy and performing well.
Education has been a priority in my life. I have prioritized a versatile journey over the years, including an undergraduate degree and two graduate degrees, and I am currently completing my Ph.D. Through education and experience, the result is both valuable in career exploration and the development of an eclectic therapeutic style. My style is informed using backgrounds such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (and various adaptations, i.e., mindfulness-based CBT), dialectal behaviour therapy, and solution-focused brief therapy. My doctoral work has included exploring and developing ideas looking at attachment and high-performance coaching, efficacy in coaching emerging high-performance athletes, and currently, personality and motivation in high-performance and elite athletes.
In addition to my professional and educational ambitions, I am a father to two busy and joyful young boys, a proud husband, and a committed community advocate. I also dabble in my past sports, having been a triathlete and swimmer in years gone by and a former University football player. I enjoy learning about how today’s athletes learn and hone their crafts to the highest desired level and remain committed and lifelong participants in the world of sport.
Outline of the material covered.
Cancellation and refunds may be applied for by email or phone call to the PAA Continuing Professional Development Officer. Cancellations received fourteen (14) days prior to the Continuing Professional Development activity will receive a full refund of the registration fee, less a $35.00 + GST processing fee. PAA reserves the right to cancel any activity, in which case a full refund of the registration fee will be provided.
The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta (PAA) is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) to offer Continuing Education (CE) for psychologists. This workshop is offered for six (6.0) hours of CE Credit. Full attendance at the workshop is required to receive Continuing Education Credits. Partial credit will not be awarded, and late arrivals or early departure will preclude awarding of Continuing Education Credits. PAA maintains responsibility for the program.
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