PAA Member Survey – Alberta Psychology during a pandemic.

PAA Member Survey – Alberta Psychology during a pandemic.

From April to October 2020, PAA members were surveyed on the impacts of the COVID- 19 pandemic on psychological practice in Alberta.

The surveys seek to help understand the experience of being a psychologist in Alberta 28 weeks after WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. This survey was identical to five previous surveys initiated monthly beginning in April 2020.

There are currently no known models on how to operate as a psychologist or as a professional association during a pandemic. This survey aimed to help PAA understand, and respond to, the impacts of this pandemic on
psychological practice in Alberta.

Each survey asked about the impact of the pandemic on members professionally, personally, and about their perception of impacts on those to whom they provide psychological services. It also asked about members’ use of telepsychology, their practice clarity, and the effectiveness of PAA’s communications and professional support for them.

In this 6th and final survey, respondents reported increases in workloads (close to pre-pandemic levels) and social commitments compared to the initial survey. The majority had already transitioned to telepsychology and reported increased confidence in their working conditions and personal privacy.

Read the most recent PAA Member Survey by clicking the cover or following this link.
You can read the previous reports from here.

– Kira Brunner