
PAA Supervision Course

PAA has launched an online formatted supervision course.

The course is designed for psychologists looking to start supervising provisionals or seeking a thorough understanding of foundational knowledge required for competent supervisory practice, including an introduction to the theory, practice, ethics, and responsibilities of clinical supervisors. Special Pricing is available for PAA members.

Learn more or Sign up!

The course was developed by PAA member Jeff Chang, Ph.D., R.Psych. He is a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist Supervisor Mentor with the Canadian Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, and a Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Jeff is currently a professor in the Master of Counselling program in the Faculty of Health Disciplines at Athabasca University.

Course Abstract & Learning Objectives

Clinical supervision is the “signature pedagogy” for behavioural health practitioners like psychologists, counsellors, marriage and family therapists, and clinical social workers. It is a universal experience–for better or for worse, we have all received clinical supervision. About 75% of us provided clinical supervision at one time, and just under half of us provide supervision at any given time.

In recent years, clinical supervision has been recognized as a distinct area of competence, requiring specific content knowledge and guided (if not supervised) practice. In this self-study course, clinical supervisors will learn the foundational knowledge required for competent supervisory practice.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Self-evaluate one’s competence in clinical supervision and develop a competency enhancement plan.
  2. Develop and adopt a personal definition of clinical supervision.
  3. Identify, purposefully adopt, and balance relational positions in clinical supervision.
  4. Link supervision goals to required competencies.*
  5. Understand and manage the working alliance in clinical supervision.
  6. Incorporate the intersectional identities of the supervisor and the supervisee into supervision practice.
  7. Learn principles of supporting supervisees’ ethical decision-making and manage ethical and legal risk to supervisee and supervisor.
  8. Develop a relational and behaviourally specific approach to evaluation and gatekeeping.
  9. Evaluate the influences of organizational culture and relational patterns on supervision.
  10. Articulate a preliminary personal approach to supervision

More Supervision Resources

Thanks to affinity partner for sponsoring the course’s learning management platform.