National Resources

Here are some national resources that were vetted and are provided to the benefit of Albertan psychologists in practice and in training as well as those considering the field of psychology, especially our future Indigenous psychologists.

  • Canadian Psychological Association 
    Collected a selection of resources for Indigenous psychologists, researchers, students, and community partners to advance approaches to teaching, research, applied practice, and policy that are relevant to the comprehensive well-being of Indigenous peoples throughout Canada and around the world.
  • Psychology’s Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Report (PDF) 
    This report provides guiding principles for psychological practice with Indigenous Peoples in Canada that acknowledges and respects Indigenous concepts of the person, health, family, and ways of knowing.
  • Wise Practices for Life Promotion 
    “The purpose of this project is to produce a useful, culturally-relevant, accessible, and hopeful online resource to advance the goals of promoting life among First Nations youth in Canada. The project will bring together inspirational stories and wise practices from First Nations communities as well as findings from recently published research. These practices are shared on a web-based platform for maximum accessibility.”
  • APA Task Force on Indigenous Psychology 
    This is a list of Charter Members of The Task Force on Indigenous Psychology.
  • Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research (NAMHR) 
    The NAMHR is committed to building capacity for mental health and addictions research and knowledge translation in remote, rural, and urban settings by working in close partnership with Aboriginal organizations and communities.
  • Kairos Blanket Exercise Workshop 
    The Kairos Blanket Exercise is based on participatory popular education methodology, where everyone is actively involved as they step onto blankets that represent the land, and into the role of First Nations, Inuit, and later Métis peoples. The goal is to build understanding about our shared history as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada by walking through pre-contact, treaty-making, colonization, and resistance. By engaging on an emotional and intellectual level, the Blanket Exercise effectively educates and increases empathy.
  • Guide to Acknowledging First Peoples & Traditional Territory 
    Recognizing the traditional lands where we live and work allows for an expression of gratitude and appreciation as well as a way to honour and understand the history of the land. Land acknowledgments support the process of repudiating the concepts used to justify European sovereignty over Indigenous lands. This guide has been developed by University-based Indigenous councils or advisory groups.
  • 8th Fire: Aboriginal People, Canada, and the Way Forward 
    8th Fire: Aboriginal People, Canada, and the Way Forward is a documentary series about contemporary Aboriginal Peoples in Canada produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. It focuses on the changing nature of Canada’s relationship with its First Nations communities. 8th fire propels us past prejudice, stereotypes, and misunderstandings to encounters with an impressive new generation of Indigenous people who are reclaiming both their culture and their confidence.
  • Indigenous Ally Toolkit (PDF) 
    This document presents a series of steps to help individuals become allies to Indigenous Peoples.
  • Righting Relations: National Hub Network 
    This page offers a series of toolkits and resources for social justice advocacy. These include podcasts, radio shows, and books. Resources are categorized as advocacy, decolonization, facilitation for social change, life-affirming practices, popular education, and traditional teachings.
  • 4R’s: Resources 
    The work of reconciliation is taking place in beautiful ways across the vast lands and waters of Turtle Island. In the spirit of collaboration with many organizations and individuals on this learning journey, this page shares a curated collection of resources. These include tools, guides, methodologies, curriculum, and other materials that have been found instructive and important for supporting efforts towards reconciliation.
  • 4R’s: Media Sources 
    Through the networks and support of 14 founding national organizations, 4Rs is about engaging young people in a critical cross-cultural dialogue that furthers reconciliation. This page presents several key media sources that lift Indigenous voices. They include magazines, membership communities, blogs, videos, and radio resources.
  • NIC – Library & Learning Commons 
    Research on TRC: links to historic works, database resources, image collections, videos, and more.
  • Empowering the Spirit-Educational Resources to Support Reconciliation 
    This website provides support for all levels within school jurisdictions to increase awareness, understanding, and application of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit histories; perspectives and ways of knowing for the purpose of implementing treaty and residential schools education; and Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action for education.
  • Indian Residential School History & Dialogue Centre 
    These resources explore the historical context of settler colonialism and are meant to acknowledge, build upon, and support recent and more long-standing resources and projects related to the IRS systems and Indigenous histories, contemporary realities, and futures.
  • Canadian Geographic – Education
    Indigenous educational resources – tools for reconciliation that reflect the experiences and knowledge of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada.
  • Importance of Indigenous Perspectives in Psychotherapy 
    The video explains how Aboriginal Psychotherapy perspectives collaborate with Focusing-Oriented Therapy when working with complex trauma in Indigenous populations.
  • Aboriginal Awareness Canada

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