PAA Pandemic Survey Reports

PAA Member Survey – Alberta Psychology during a pandemic

Six reports are now available!

Since April 2020 PAA Office has been surveying members to gather a better understanding of the invaluable work of psychologists during a global pandemic. An online survey was sent to members in April, May, June, July, August, and October.

These surveys aim to help PAA understand, and respond to, the impacts of this pandemic on psychological practice in Alberta, particularly as there are currently no known models on how to operate as a psychologist or as a professional association during a pandemic. Surveys asked about the impact of the pandemic on members professionally, personally, and on those to whom they provide psychological services. It also asked about members’ use of telepsychology, their practice clarity, and the effectiveness of PAA’s communications and professional support for them.

You can now read all the reports online by clicking the cover pictures.

– Kira Brunner