
Student Resources

PAA Student Board Member

Katherine Archibald is a Counselling Psychology graduate student at the University of Calgary. She previously worked as a Psychometrist in the Geriatric Psychiatry unit at the Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury. While completing her B.A. Honours degree at the University of Alberta, Katherine sought out many academic opportunities in Psychology. In addition to completing her Honours thesis, Katherine completed a year-long undergraduate internship in Psychology and was a co-investigator on numerous additional research projects. Her active involvement in academic life in Psychology inspired her to undertake the position of Vice-President Academic on the Undergraduate Psychology Association (UPA) in the final year of her undergraduate degree. As Vice-President Academic, Katherine promoted the numerous opportunities available for Psychology undergraduate students at the University of Alberta, advocated for the needs of undergraduate psychology students during the COVID-19 pandemic, and hosted multiple events with an emphasis on networking and skill development. One of these events was the UPA’s first-ever Conference Preparation Workshop, in which Katherine fused her passions for research and leadership and successfully organized a three-hour seminar with guest speakers to teach students skills such as poster design, scientific writing, and public speaking. Katherine hopes to take her love of advocacy a step further by joining the PAA’s Board of Directors. Katherine’s previous experience has not only familiarized her with the opportunities available for Psychology students, but also enlightened her to the challenges and stresses that Psychology students can face. Katherine hopes to use her Board of Directors seat to support Psychology students in Alberta by voicing their needs and concerns to the PAA, growing a supportive network of Psychology students across the province, and hosting and promoting events that will provide Psychology students with the knowledge and skills they need to reach their goals.


Headshot 2022 KA

Katherine Archibald, University of Calgary

PAA & CAP Joint Student Information Sessions

PAA and CAP joined forces to host virtual information sessions about being a student in the field of psychology. If you missed the event, you can view the recordings below and learn more about preparing for becoming a psychologist in Alberta.

2020 PAA & CAP Undergraduate Student Info Session