
NEW PAA Affinity Partner! TherAppX

New tools for psychologists to assist Albertans using mental health apps

Launching this month (31 August 2021), TherAppX is the latest affinity partner program of the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta (PAA), offering a 20% discount for PAA members.

These days, many Canadians are seeking to improve their mental health, and a range of applications claim to help. Do you refer your clients to apps to support their treatment between visits? Are they using apps to support their psychological health? 32% of Canadians used Digital Health Tools (DHTs) in 2018, a rate expected to continue to increase. Canadians are currently exposed to over 2,800 Digital Health Tools, 99% of which are unregulated in Canada. This can make it overwhelming for the practicing psychologist to vet mental health apps and their evidence base.

TherAppX provides access to Canada’s only library of reliable decision support on Digital Health Tools. Through this partnership, PAA recognizes the need for psychologists to obtain validated tools to assist our members using mobile applications.

TherAppX Library

TherAppX provides a vetted library for psychological health apps that help clinicians identify the best tools for each patient and clinical situation. TherAppX assesses each health software against 118 data points following a rigorous clinician-led process. Tools are reviewed for user-friendliness, safety, clinical evidence, coverage by insurers, therapeutic value, and clinical relevance. Clinicians and patients may use such data for shared decision-making regarding Digital Health products. This independent assessment process provides objective information on each app and is continuously updated for new versions of apps.

Subscribed members also have access to the TherAppX Community, a space that allows psychologists to exchange comments on available solutions in a safe & private community of practice. Psychologists may also send information on available solutions by secure SMS through TherAppX’s platform to support proper use.

Patient Benefits

“Guidance from their registered psychologist on the use of psychological health apps improves safety regarding often unregulated products. Inappropriate use of health apps can be harmful. Shared decision-making on app use with our patients is associated with better outcomes and evidence-based practices. This also increases access by providing trusted resources to supplement care provided.”

  • Judi Malone, Registered Psychologist, PAA CEO

“After reviewing this app, TherAppX was identified as an additional tool that can help improve evidence-based use of technology for psychological practice.”

  • Michael Stolte, Chair, Technology in Practice Committee

“Through ongoing research, Canadian healthcare practitioners have consistently expressed their need to be trained appropriately regarding digital health technologies. We value partnerships with associations as they share our desire to contribute to the professional development of their members.”

  • Michael Cardinal, Chief Clinical Officer, TherAppX

TherAppX is a Canadian leader in evaluating patient-facing digital health tools (DHTs) and digital therapeutic products. Using a standardized assessment process, data is fed into TherAppX Core, a web-based app library, allowing users to filter the DHT market. Hundreds of clinicians currently use TherAppX Core to answer questions of their digitally-enabled patients. Moreover, clinicians access a recommendation system to select the proper app for each of their patients and prescribing capabilities.



Go to TherAppX to learn more.

Therappx mental health modules are $99 per year ($8.25 per month), minus a 20% discount for members. For more information, or to sign up with a member discount, please email Therappx directly at