We Grieve the Loss of Indigenous Children

It is with great sadness that we grieve the loss of well over 1000 Indigenous children. We honour their lives and those of all children impacted by Canada’s residential school system.

The genocidal legacy of Indian Residential Schools (and Indian Day Schools) is an ongoing Canadian responsibility.

Consistent with the national report on Psychology’s Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Report, we challenge and support our members to increase our honour for, and respect of, Indigenous knowledge and Indigenous approaches to wellness and healing in psychology.

CAP’s TRC Practice Guideline requires that psychologists take “steps to familiarize themselves with the current and historical injustices suffered by Indigenous peoples prior to providing services, and ensure all professional activities are performed in a culturally sensitive, safe and competent practice.”

We call on all professions and Albertans to read the Truth & Reconciliation Report and its calls to action, and we support the work of our profession’s task force on this as well as our Indigenizing Psychology community, which supports learning and knowledge translation activities. Members, for support on Indigenizing psychology, please join this community.