Its purpose is to demonstrate the value of the science-based profession and the positive impact the psychology field has on our everyday lives.
The goal of this year’s Psychology Month is to raise awareness of the role that psychology plays in our lives. Psychology month is an excellent opportunity for public education and promotion of the profession.
PAA social accounts will be posting videos and resources on the value of psychology throughout February. Follow our channels and share our posts as they go out throughout the month.
Use our social media toolkit.
We’re here to help and have Resources & Materials to assist with your Psychology Month promotion.
Help us Help a Local Library
Download this Letter Template, fill in your name and the name of your local library, and drop it off in person or in the mail. The letter offers to provide the library with resources that promote psychology and psychological health – it’s a great way to influence communities that takes little time.
Share Your Successes
Have an event or webinar this month? Let us know and we will share it to our communities and networks.
Share Your Ideas for future campaigns… Email us
Throughout the month, PAA celebrated Psychology Month virtually.
PAA increased its social media outputs (Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn) in February in recognition of Psychology Month.
Article in Summerside community Newsletter
Malone, J.L. (2022, February. February is Psychology Month. Neighbours of Summerside, 4.)
2022 Feb. Report – Accessing a Psychologist. PAA Produced
12 February – Dr. Ganz Ferrance was interviewed on 630 Ched on pressures around removing mask mandates for children
13 February – Dr. Ganz Ferrance was interviewed on 630 Ched on COVID 19 restrictions lifting and it being okay to ease into them
14 February – Dr. Ganz Ferrance was interviewed on 630 Ched on Making Decisions best for you regarding the lifting of restrictions
22 February – PAA and CAP Townhall Hosted by AHS. Presenters were Dr Judi L Malone (PAA CEO) and Dr. Richard Spelliscy (CAP CEO) and there were 235 attendees present
Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time to promote Psychology.
PAA increased its social media outputs (Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn) in February in recognition of Psychology Month.
Throughout the month, PAA celebrated Psychology Month virtually:
– Welcome to the 2021 Psychology Month video by Dr. Erin Buhr
– Quick Facts highlighting interesting tidbits about the profession, including figures such as Sigmund Freud, locations such as Dalhousie University, techniques such as hypnosis, and fields such as forensic psychology.
– Videos from Alberta psychologists sharing how the profession became the right path for them.
– Biographies from Alberta psychologists sharing what first interested them in the field.
Throughout the month Edmonton, St. Albert, and Strathcona County Public Libraries displayed information on mental health and psychology. The displays included information about PAA’s Referral Service and psychological concerns such as anxiety, depression, and substance use/abuse. Dr. Patrick Keelan, Public Education and Wellness Committee organized these events.
Throughout the month PAA’s psychological resource materials were provided and displayed at Grey Nuns Community Hospital for staff to access and at Bethel Lutheran Church, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, and St. Luke’s Anglican Church for families in need.
04 February – Dr. Richard Spelliscy, Dr. Judi Malone, Dr. Lana Hawkins, Sandra Deeth, and Dr. Kerry Mothersill provided a presentation for AHS PracticeWise on Psychology In and For a Pandemic Environment to 68 participants. They discussed the role of psychology and psychologists in relation to COVID-19. The session was recorded and placed in the PracticeWise library.
09 February – PAA Disaster Response Network (DRN) volunteer Kaylie Rodriguez provided a zoom webinar presentation entitled Psychological Coping During a Pandemic to 18 Alberta Ballet School students on exploring healthy holistic self-care and coping during a pandemic. The presentation was recorded and will be shared with other students.
22 February – Kay Wilson provided a virtual career presentation to junior high school students at Graminia Community School in Spruce Grove on the profession of psychologist. Providing an opportunity to learn about what psychologists do with PAA bookmarks and YouTube Life’s Journey resource materials.
25 February – PAA Disaster Response Network (DRN) volunteer Paul McCaffrey provided a webinar presentation to the Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta (FCSSAA) on Psychological Coping During a Pandemic offering support to 40 FCSS Directors and staff across the province. FCSSAA will also share the webinar slides with those who were unable to attend.
26 February – Dr. Judi Malone was part of a panel discussion at AHS Psychology Day where she provided a presentation on Pandemic Impacts and Psychology’s Response to 160 participants. A review of the Alberta polling information that relates to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and psychology and the highlights of PAA’s Disaster Response Network which has launched in March 2020.
Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time to promote Psychology.
PAA increased its social media outputs (Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIN) in February in recognition of Psychology Month.
Throughout the month Edmonton, St. Albert and Strathcona Public Libraries displayed information on mental health and psychology. The displays included information about PAA and psychological concerns such as anxiety, depression and chronic pain. Dr.’s Erin Buhr and Patrick Keelan, Public Education and Wellness Committee organized these events.
Throughout the month St. Mary’s University in Calgary provided multiple events. The Psychology Association of St. Mary’s teamed up with various faculties. Including the indigenous initiatives on campus to offer beading and conversations with indigenous elders to promote conversations about mental health in their community, and the athletics department offered yoga. As well, they held there third annual bake sale to raise money for The Alex Centre in Calgary, Alberta. Finally, they provided various de-stressing activities and information sessions including hosting PALS dogs, healthy snacks and information posters, TED talk panels, board games, and crafting.
17 February – Jayla Schmidt attended Cochrane Early Childhood Expo and provided mental health information to families.
18 – 25 February – The 8th Annual Psychology Day was a tremendous success! Approximately 210 were registered for the event, with over 30 at the Telehealth Sites. In addition to Psychologists, Psychology Residents and Psychometrists, approximately 56% of attendees were from Nursing, Social Work, OT, and several other professions, including LPN, Addiction Counselling, Child Life, SLP and Recreation Therapy! The event took place at the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary. PAA’s display was exhibited with more information on psychological concerns.
Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time to promote Psychology.
PAA increased its social media outputs (Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIN) in February in recognition of Psychology Month.
Throughout the month in St. Albert and 21 Edmonton Public Libraries information on mental health and psychology was displayed. The displays included information about PAA and psychological concerns such as anxiety, depression and chronic pain. Dr. Erin Buhr organized this event.
Throughout the month Jennifer Strebchuk displayed in her office information on mental health and psychology as well as sharing information about the benefits of medical-psychological collaboration with local physicians.
Throughout the month St. Mary University honours and capstone project Psych 400 students in Calgary teamed up to bring a week of de-stress initiatives (Aboriginal Wheel of Wellness, Casey Eagle speaker, Valentines bake sale) to help students unwind before reading week arrived. Psychological materials were provided to all participants.
Throughout the month Sara Ludu educated her clients at Homewood Health about the support and help available for mental health throughout the city. She informed clients of the benefits left unused through their extended health for services that are covered by Psychologists.
01 February – Dr. Wes Miller and Lindsay Wolf-Owczarek provided a presentation “Mental Health in the Classroom” to the North East Catchment of Edmonton Public Schools.
02 February – Dr. Angela Grace and EDSA – Evening of Hope – provided an evening of stories of healing, as told through art, music, dance and spoken words.
04 – 08 February – Edmonton Public Schools central office displayed information on mental health and psychology. Their display included information about PAA and psychological concerns such as Psychologically Healthy Workplace, School Psychology, depression, anxiety and parenting. Billie-Jo Scott organized this event.
12 February – 3rd annual Yoga Rave, was hosted by MacEwan University Recreation, it was a unique event that merged a 2-hour yoga class with the lively atmosphere of a rave. The focus of this event was to promote wellness, mental health and social inclusion through a fun and unconventional yoga class. There were glow-sticks, body paint, wellness vendors, and a live DJ.
14 – 15 February – 2019 Calgary City Teachers’ Convention was held at Telus Convention Centre and managed by Monique Jamin, Michelle Springman, Sara Ludu, Lauren Chan and Jeffrey Smith.
20 February – Dr. Judi Malone, Chief Executive Officer of PAA and Dr. Richard Spelliscy, Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of CAP presented an updated on their individual and collective provincial work for psychology at Edmonton Zone AHS Psychology Professional Practice Council 6th Annual General Meeting & Professional Development Day to 93 attendees. This event was live broadcasted to Lethbridge and Medicine Hat as well.
20 February – Dr. Wes Miller and Lindsay Wolf-Owczarek provided a presentation “Pediatric OCD: Helping Kids get “UNSTUCK” to the AHS Edmonton Psychology Professional Day.
21 February – Michelle Hamilton appeared on Lloydminster Prime Time Local News and spoke on what psychologists do.
21 – 22 February – 2019 South Western Alberta Teachers Convention was held at the University of Lethbridge and managed by Allison Stott and Brenda Davis.
21 – 22 February – The 7th Annual Psychology Day provided several exciting presentations to AHS Allied Health and Mental Health and Addictions staff. The event took place at the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary. PAA’s display was exhibited with more information on psychological concerns. There were several AHS Psychologist contributors who made this such an amazing success for the 160 registrants who attended.
28 February – 01 March – 2019 Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention was held at the Shaw Conference Centre and managed by Chris Lefebvre, Colin Auschrat, and Peter Gregg.
Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time to promote Psychology.
2018 Psychology Month Events in Alberta
PAA’s display board and Psychology Month materials were exhibited and displayed at the following Psychology Month Events:
PAA will be increasing its social media outputs (Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIN) in February in recognition of Psychology Month.
Throughout the month St. Albert, Castle Downs and 20 Calgary Public Libraries will display information on mental health and psychology. The displays include information about PAA and psychological concerns such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and parenting. Ms. Erin Buhr organized this event.
Throughout the month Medicine Hat Public Library will display information on mental health and psychology. Their display includes information about PAA and psychological concerns such as Value of Choosing a Psychologist, School Psychology, depression, ADHD, and parenting. Mr. Christopher Shorrock organized this event.
Throughout the month MacEwan University peer health educator team will display information on several tabling events on mental health and psychology during Psychology Month. Their display includes information about PAA and psychological concerns such as Value of Choosing a Psychologist, Healthy Workplace, depression, anxiety, ADHD, chronic pain, eating disorder, insomnia and parenting. Ms. Tamara Lane organized this event.
Throughout the month Ms. Sharon Comstock will display information on mental health and psychology in her office waiting room for clients to peruse.
01 February – Dr. Lana Hawkins, Dr. Kerry Mothersill and Dr. Judi Malone provided a PowerPoint presentation to 29 participants entitled Psychology Month Kick Off – Updates and Opportunities for 2018 at a Practice Wise session for Alberta Health Services. Practice Wise sessions are a weekly session provided by Clinicians, leaders, regulators, researchers, and educators as a forum to share their experiences and clinically relevant information.
Eating Disorder Support Network of Alberta & Silver Linings Foundation, coordinated Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) across Alberta during 01 – 07 Feb.
02 February – A workshop for parents, teachers, health professionals “Body Image, Eating Disorders, & Youth” was held at Alberta Children’s Hospital.
02 February – Ms. Ashley Wanamaker, Ms. Tanya Hutchinson, Dr. Natasha Kutlesa, and Dr. Angela Grace provided a panel discussion about body image at the EDAW film screening of “Straight/Curve”.
02 February – Dr. Angela Grace appeared on CJSW radio station segment Dixie Fried.
03 February – Dr. Angela Grace and Dr. Natasha Kutlesa, facilitated a workshop for fitness professionals on Eating Disorders: Awareness & Risk Mitigation in the Fitness World.
03 February – 02 March – Ms. Ashley Wanamaker and Ms. Carrie Le will facilitate a Body Project group in Calgary.
05 February – A Interactive Paint Night to celebrate Eating Disorder recovery was held.
06 February – Smashed bathroom scales to liberate students from weight-related issues was held at Mount Royal University.
06 February – Dr. Angela Grace was quoted in Metro newspaper article entitled “Calgary psychologist says lack of awareness about eating disorders has potential to delay treatment”.
09 February – 03 March – Dr. Angela Grace will be facilitating a Body Project group with Ms. Ashley Wanamaker.
09 February – 03 March – Dr. Angela Grace will be conducting a yoga/mindfulness workshop for individuals recovering from eating disorders.
15 February – Dr. Angela Grace appeared on an CTV at Noon segment entitled Health at Every Size.
Media awareness presentations were provided to TV & radio throughout EDAW, promoting eating disorder prevention & treatment and Dr. Shelly Russell-Mayhew is working with a team at the U of C to create a Comprehensive School Health course to teach pre-service teachers how to teach health & wellness & promote mental health in schools.
15 – 16 February – 2018 Calgary City Teachers’ Convention was held at Telus Convention Centre and manned by Ms. Terrill Schumaker, Ms. Connie Leclair, Ms. Dee Dee Kay and Ms. Rosalynde Hill.
22 – 23 February – 2018 South Western Alberta Teachers Convention was held at the University of Lethbridge and manned by Ms. Allison Stott and Ms. Joanne Lavergne
23 February – 6 March – Annual Psychology Day provided several exciting presentations at Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary to Health, Mental Health and Addictions staff. PAA’s display was provided and included more information on psychological concerns. There were several contributors who made this such an amazing success for the 198 registrants who attended.
27 February – Ms. Sharon Smith appeared on CTV News segment entitled “Campaign to raise funds for mental health”. Creating Solutions challenges you to Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, the name of the campaign is to raise awareness for mental health.
28 February – Dr. Judi Malone, Chief Executive Officer of PAA and Dr. Richard Spelliscy, Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of CAP presented an updated on their individual and collective provincial work for psychology at Edmonton Zone AHS Psychology Professional Practice Council 5th Annual General Meeting & Professional Development Day to 103 registrants.
01 – 02 March – 2018 Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention was held at the Shaw Conference Centre and manned by Ms. Sarah Williams, Ms. Erin Buhr, Ms. Shristi Bali and Mr. Christopher Armstrong.
01 March – Dr. Wes Miller, Ms. Lindsay Wolf and Ms. Rebecca Quaale provided a presentation at the Greater Edmonton Teachers Convention. The presentation was titled Anxiety Management in the Classroom. Teachers in Edmonton and surrounding area attended.
08 March – Mr. Chris Shorrock will provide a presentation at the Medicine Hat Public Library entitled “Ask a Psychologist Anything”.
Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time to promote Psychology.
© Copyright 2025 Psychologists’ Association of Alberta.
Website by Fabled Solutions